Our mission is to provide comprehensive, efficient, and opportune care to our clients. With our services at IHECS, we guarantee prompt, high-quality, and responsible care that is free of risks.
The services offered by IHECS favor actions, aimed at planning and providing care, that promote independence and self-care through comprehensive and highly specialized services to our clients. We ensure quality and integrated service, painstaking through training of high-performance teams, making appropriate use of resources, and utilizing materials necessary for care and accompaniment.
IHECS is a company that provides care directed to senior adults, grounded on theoretical processes.
With the following objectives, it is sought to have an integral perspective during the process of care and accompaniment.
- Implement a plan of evaluation and constant supervision directed to the caregiver and the specific non-clinical care plans for each client. We maximize the internal resources of the caregiver to provide quality, efficient, and effective accompaniment.
- Carry out administrative investigations to determine the impact of the caregiver on the client and family dynamics to optimize care.
- Offer constant training for staff on psycho-emotional issues of care for an optimal approach during the accompaniment.
Our History
- 18 years of experience in the field of health care
- Provides comprehensive care (biopsychosocial and spiritual)
- Deep respect for beliefs
Our care is based on fundamental areas, such as the biological one that is related to the alterations of physical health. The client’s environment is also evaluated with the idea of preventing potential risks during the routines of the client’s and family’s daily life activities. The psychological area where the perception of both the client and the family interferes, in relation to emotions and feelings, internal tools are provided to face the new situation. The social area that relates to the whole family environment and friends of the client may include participation in events, such as intrafamilial meetings, friends, medical appointments, shopping at the supermarket, among others. Last but not the least, the spiritual moments of our client and family are also respected and favored.
In recent years, the ecological commitment has also been included in which we also take sides providing “clean” care. We maximize the use of inputs, both those provided by the company and those of our clients, promoting savings in all our care interventions.
All of the above leads us to have a comprehensive approach during the care process by all IHECS staff. Our models of integral care, education, preparation, and training are provided with great care for our staff. We also give principal emphasis on our caregivers, who undergo a rigorous training process of our care model and for each case and client, in particular, to provide 100% individualized services of guaranteed quality.